Guide for Authors


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Articles forward to the editor for publication are understood to be offered to the Zagazig J. of Agricultural Research exclusively.

It is also understood that authors have obtained the formal approval of their department, faculty or institute in cases where such approval is necessary.

Manuscripts submitted in English with an Arabic summary. Arabic manuscripts with an English summary are also accepted.

The editorial board does not approve for publication manuscripts that have been previously or simultaneously submitted to another publication.

Papers submitted for publication are forwarded to the editor-in-chief. The editorial board bases are a decision for acceptance, revision or rejection of the paper upon the advice of at least two reviewers.

All papers should be submitted in triplicate, typed neatly in the good quality white paper of quarter size according to a uniform style. Illustrations should be of good quality, drawn on a drawing or tracing paper. Footnotes should be avoided as much as possible. Abbrevia­tions should not be used in the title.

The text should include Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, References and Arabic summary. In References, author’s names are written followed by the year of publication. Title of the cited article is written followed by the name or abbreviations of the reference and then the volume and pages numbers. Unpublished data, personal communications and articles in preparation should be referred in parenthesis in the text.

The authors should revise their papers in view of the referee's comments and return them back to the Editor within 10 days from their receive.

The first of the month of publications is the final date for receiving two final copies for publication.

After acceptance:

After acceptance for publishing, the paper must be submitted in two final forms, as follows:

1. Writing on a computer IBM-compatible, using Microsoft Word (Winword).

2.  A4 paper size, with a written area of 16 x 23 cm. in two columns for English papers except, English and Arabic abstracts.

3. Full justification, single space.

4.  Times New Roman font, size 11 normal for all the paper except:

- Main title (capital letters) size 13 bold and author’s names size 12 Bold, their address size 12 normal.

5. Arabic summary must include, Title of Research (14 Bold) author’s names (13 Bold) and address (11 normal), written using Time New Roman font, size 12 Normal.

Note:   Keywords must be included at the end of the abstract in a range of six words.

Corresponding author: Name, Tel. and E-mail of one of the authors should include as a footer in the first page.

See publication notes at the site (http:/