Document Type : Original Article


Plant Pathol. Dept., Fac. Agric., Zagazig Univ., Egypt


This study highlights the influence of different mineral fertilizers on the incidence
and severity of vinca (Periwinkle; Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don) root rot disease. Moreover, it
demonstrates the effectiveness of some chemical fungicides in reducing disease parameters. This
research provides valuable insights for the development of effective fertilization strategies to enhance
plant health and mitigate the impact of root rot diseases in vinca. Ammonium Sulfate ((NH4)2SO4)
completely inhibited disease parameters and consistently increased plant growth parameters.
Potassium and Humate potassium have limited efficacy. Rizolex-T and Occidor fungicides
demonstrated complete inhibition against all tested fungi (F3(Fusarium solani; Fx3(Fusarium
proliferatum); Rh.x (Rhizoctonia solani L.) and Rh.w ( Rhizoctonia solani 2) on PDA media, while
Uniform and Nasrzole showed varying degrees of effectiveness depending on the tested fungi. In vivo,
the application of fungicides has varying degrees of efficacy in preventing infection with vinca root rot
pathogens. Rizolex-T, was effective against most pathogens, exhibited a partial effect against
Fusarium proliferatum. Occidor demonstrated good efficacy against Rhizoctonia solani 2 but was less
effective against Fusarium solani. Nasrzole showed overall effectiveness in preventing infection by all
tested pathogens, with only partial efficacy against Rhizoctonia solani 2. The application of
fungicides, particularly Nasrzole, positively influenced the growth parameters of vinca plants infected
with root-rot pathogens.


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