
1 Veg. Breed. Dept., Hort. Res. Inst., ARC, Giza, Egypt

2 Genet. Dept., Fac. Agric., Zagazig Univ., Egypt

3 Hort. Dept., Fac. Agric., Zagazig Univ., Egypt


This study carried out during two successive seasons 2019 and 2020 at experimental Farm, Horticulture Research Station, Dakahlia, Egypt to select superior genotypes with a good performance in traits of interest from a tomatillo heterogeneous population of the local variety “Balady”. In addition, estimation the genetic gains with the simultaneous selection of yield component traits and soluble solids content. A population derived from “Balady” was used in current study as a basic material. The experimental design used was a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Different vegetative growth and fruit characters were estimated. Results showed that, moderate to high positive genetic gains (ΔG %) were obtained along the evaluated traits ranged from 0.086% to 32.33% for shape index and marketable fruit yield. Regarding earliness traits, genetic gain by selection estimated by 6.862% and 12.97% for early fruit number and early yield, respectively. In addition, the great genetic gain observed was for the marketable fruit yield that recorded 32.33%.Regarding the total soluble solids, a selection gain with 5.616% at 60 old days was obtained after first cycle of selection comparing with the original population. Twenty individuals for each studied trait represent about 8% of selection intensity, showed best values regarding each evaluated trait. The results revealed that the selection for TSS in tomatillo at 45 old days did not gave remarkable gain by selection, (1.538 %) indicating that the selection for this trait would be better at advanced stage of maturity.


Main Subjects